Import data

DEBTORS.dbf - minimum import fields [14]

DCOLL 5,0 Numeric [12345] [Index key] ACCNO 15 Character [ABC/123] DNAME 30 Character [ABC Limited] TSTYLE 30 Character [T/as ABC Supplies] STATUS 1,0 Numeric [1=Ind 3=Ltd 4=PLC] UNO 4,0 Numeric [1] [Claimant index key] ADDR1 30 Character [Ardent House] ADDR2 30 Character [Arable Avenue] ADDR3 30 Character [Acton] ADDR4 30 Character [London] APCODE 10 Character [BN3 7DA] [Office postcode] TELE 30 Character [01273 345678] EMAIL 40 Character [] TOTDUE 10,2 Numeric [1516.72] [Total of invoices]

DDETAIL.dbf - minimum import fields [5]

DCOLL 5,0 Numeric [1] [Debtor number] DATE 8 Date [12/07/2007] [Invoice date] DESCP 16 Character [Invoice 123] AMOUNT 10,2 Numeric [1451.12] [Invoice amount] DUE 8 Date [31/07/2007] [Invoice due date] Note:- Ensure that dates are correctly formatted in Microsoft Excel as 'Custom'. [Format...Cells...Custom, as below]